House Smudging: It’s All About Making a Fresh Start

I love the idea of new beginnings, so when I was introduced to the concept of house smudging, I was intrigued.
What Exactly Is House-Smudging?
Simply put, smudging a house is a way to cleanse the space and invite in positive energy. It involves burning herbs, and allowing the resulting smoke to fill and purify the environment. Anything we can do to get rid of bad juju and bring on good vibes sounds like a great idea to me.
How Does It Work?
The ancient ritual of smoke offerings has its roots in Native American tradition, Buddhism, and other religions. Today, some burn sage or other dried herbs tied in bundles, or “smudge sticks” -- such as cedar, lavender, and rosemary -- in order to get rid of negative energy, encourage clarity, and promote healing. And that’s not just voodoo. When sage is burned, the smoke releases ions that change the composition of air, which has been linked to positive mood boosts.
Smudging a New Home
You can use smudging to bless a new space and those living in it. Moving into a new home is a perfect time to burn sage to clear out old energy and set your own intentions for the space. But you can also smudge a space whenever you’re looking to reset, change the mood, or just relax.
There are many places locally where you can buy sage and smudge sticks, including Whole Foods. You can also try The Herb Import Company, Haus of Hoodoo, and Southern Rhoades Apothecary.
Also, here’s a video for those who want to learn how to smudge their homes.
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