Thankful for This Almost 20-Year Journey

A Winding Road to Real Estate
Anxious to make my own money at the age of 12, I had the ultimate first job for a kid who grew up in the 1970s: a newspaper route. Because I wasn’t big enough to hold up the delivery bicycle under the weight of 50 newspapers, my mom drove me around to deliver them every afternoon after school and at the crack of dawn on Saturday mornings. It was the first of countless jobs that would lead me down a winding road to real estate.
Countless Jobs and Always Hustling
I’ve always been attracted to a fun, fast pace, and a way to connect with people. Sometimes it feels like I’ve had nine lives! I’ve worked as a waitress, a receptionist at an ad agency, a personal assistant to famous actors, a dog trainer, a manager of a Ben & Jerry’s, a booker for hair and makeup stylists, and a chauffeur — just to name a few. Hustling is my thing; being “on” and ready to go is my natural state. Tackling so many different kinds of jobs has made me extremely resourceful and taught me how to deal with every personality under the sun.
Searching for the Right Fit
In 2002, when I was still searching for the right fit, I moved back home to New Orleans from New York and worked as a driver on a film production. I found myself spending a lot of time riding around and looking at real estate, but I didn’t have any money to actually buy anything. Invited to Thanksgiving at my friend Julie’s that year, I met her stepfather Louis Velez — a real estate developer and broker who’d been building and selling homes for over 40 years. He encouraged me to get my real estate license, which I did the following spring; then he took me under his wing, taught me the business, and gave me my first listing (which was a very generous gift). Learning the ropes from Louis during that time was priceless, and I realized early on that I wanted to become a broker in order to start my own company.
Finding My Passion
My last closing with Louis’ company and my first closing with my own company, Wirth-Moore Realty, took place on August 26th, 2005 — three days before Hurricane Katrina. Those days, weeks, and months following Katrina were like the wild west of real estate. But I worked tirelessly, built a brand over many years, and brought on smart, experienced agents. Then in 2018, I joined forces with Joey Walker, Ryan Wentworth, and Clint LaCour to form the new brokerage Rêve Realtors.
The reality is, I might never have gone down this path if it weren’t for Louis, and I’m incredibly grateful that he took a chance on me. It’s led to a fulfilling career, amazing relationships with clients and colleagues, and the kind of success that I’m thankful for each and every day. Which is why I’m expressing my appreciation to him this holiday season (it’s been 20 years since we first met!)– and to everyone I’ve had the chance to work with and get to know on this journey. It’s been a helluva ride, and I’m just getting started.
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